Tuesday, June 12, 2007

June 12

... is the day 14 years ago that the elections in which M.K.O. Abiola was widely reported to have won were cancelled. It's also the day my paternal grandfather died. Last year marked the 30th year anniversary of his death and the entire fam trooped off to Abeokuta for a lecture that was held in his honour. Not only did I learn a lot more about my grandfather who I never really knew, I loved seeing (almost) all of my cousins again. We hardly ever get to see each other, much less at the same time so it was good to catch-up and generally indulge in idle chit-chat. I have a photograph that we all took and I like looking at it and seeing how much we have all matured over the years. It was fun times!

1 comment:

Morountodun said...

It's interesting how certain dates strike a chord in the memory, On the mandate of June 12 I stand MKO said. Over here in the UK the London bombings of 7/7 and 21/7 still hurt and the date Sept 11th needs no introduction...