Sunday, January 07, 2007

iPod Goes Kaput - Again!!

Some of you might remember that a while ago, I moaned about my iPod going kaput. Well, guess what this new one has gone and done? It's freaking died out on me. I'm hoping that if I leave it for a while, it will magically start to work again. However, I have to say that the prognosis is not too hopeful.

When I press the round button in the middle, the screen flickers to life for a split-second but then quickly goes gray. Half the screen is grey and the other half black. Doesn't look good, at all!

The good thing is that I have a warranty and so I should be able to get a free replacement. But what a pain in the you-know-where! I have to get to the Apple-licensed store, which is really out of my way and then I have to upload all my songs again. Then, there'll always be the thought somewhere in the recesses of my mind urging me not to get too attached to the new one just in case it also dies out on me. The first one barely lasted 3 months; this one has tried, I suppose - I've had it for about 6 months.

It's funny. While I'm tempted not to bother with iPods in the future if the new one also stops working, having an iPod has also changed the way I listen to music. Now I have access to all my albums at once. It has also changed the way I think about my music. Since iTunes alllows you to create playlists (well, a sophisticated and faster version of the mix-tapes we used to make back in the day), it has also changed the way I organise my music. Where I would normally group my music by artiste, now I tend to create playlists around moods or genres or what I plan on using the music for e.g. Work Out.

Okay, I will get a replacement (it's free, afterall), but if anything happens to that one I might have to seriously think about other brands.


Anonymous said...

creative...i've been using mine for 2 years, and no problem. except that it's gone out of style.

need some of the new sleek ones

Anonymous said...

The same exact thing happened to me with my Ipod!! The first one died a mysterious death so I got a replacement and a couple months later, the second one also upped & died on me!!!! It's so frustrating especially to an Ipod addict like myself! But you mentioned something that's piqued my interest - could it be that it's possible to get my Ipod replaced here in Nigeria? Please say it's so! I've been waiting until I go to the States because I figured it could only be replaced in the country of original purchase. Please let me know if you have an answer. Thx...

Pilgrimage to Self said...

You really seem to be having bad luck with your ipod. I have had a video iPod now for a year and , touch wood, it's been fine. Could it be perhaps that you leave it in your PC (or in a socket) charging and NEPA stikes and kills the hard drive? Do you leave it out in the sun (either in your car or on your window sill?)or perhaps it's being bashed about in your handbag?

Just some possible suggestions. Not very helpful of me though. :-)

Ore said...

I think probably NEPA striking several times a day has something to do with it. I tend to leave it plugged into my stereo. Plus sometimes I plug the charger into the socket and the electricity goes one and off. I really don't carry my iPod around that much and am very careful with it, which is why I am especially dismayed. What a shame.

Kemi, try Superior Equipment Ltd., 285B Corporation Drive, Dolphin Estate, Tel: 01-269 3753/55

You can pay N25,000 to get a replacement iPod and if something goes wrong with that one, you get a free replacement.

adefunke said...

I have a playlist on my Ipod called Work Out too! What songs are on your playlist? Sorry to hear about the unfortunate demise (again) of your Ipod, thankfully its still under warranty.

Anonymous said...

But Ore, my Ipod is still under warranty!! Why should I pay N25,000 for a replacement?! I didnt have to pay a dime for the first replacement. I think I'll just wait until I go to the States. This is all so distressing (little drama queen that I am)!!!!!!!

Aramide said...

MENN I've had it with them - ipods.....i put up a similar post (iFrustration) on my blog a few mths ago...these ipods hav a life span of like 1 wk lol